Enlightened Mastery One-on-One Mentorship

The fastest path to your evolution and healing

I'll walk you through your ascension, not just talk about it. We'll do it together

Raise Your Consciousness, Heal Your Trauma, and Have Thriving Relationships in 90 Days

Find and release trauma, build stronger relationships and reach higher consciousness with regular one-to-one and group coaching sessions


It Made Me Feel Connected To Myself More Than Anything Else

I feel that I am a part of the universe. Thank you, Khan! It is all you! You have this special vibe that makes these meditations profound! And I found my soul family too! Thank you all ❤️


Does This Sound Like You?

  • You’re having trouble reaching higher states of consciousness

  • You have friction in your relationships with loved ones

  • You can’t unravel the root of your problems

  • Your Spouse doesn’t understand what you're going through and why you’re trying to change

We've got you!

How Being Diagnosed with MS and Degenerative Disc Disease Helped me Find Enlightenment

This has been the most rewarding experience of my life. I was faced with looking at my mortality in a terrifying and isolated place.

I was a serious martial arts practitioner for most of my life, working with Masters from the other side of the globe. Successful business person with a great marriage. Life was good.

Then, I started having trouble walking upstairs. I was tripping on the sidewalk. I seemed to twist my ankle every week.

I didn't understand what was happening to me. I became bitter and angry because I was losing myself.

I visited doctors, specialists, acupuncturists, Chinese medicine doctors, Reiki masters, psychics, the list goes on.

I was desperate for answers.

My Taoist Master suggested I go to Vipassana, a 10-day silent meditation retreat to clear my thoughts and get answers.

I got my answers to why I had disease in my body. I had unresolved emotions. Long forgotten memories that needed to get out.

So, I meditated. I sat with teachers and gurus to help me meditate and release these trapped emotions.

I spent countless hours meditating, but I still couldn’t get to the root cause.

My teachers said this could take a lifetime of meditating.


I asked others how long they've been meditating for. Some were 10,15, 20 years. I was shocked that people were meditating for so long and unable to get to the root of their problems.

I researched the greatest teachers, and they all had one thing in common. They didn't do it alone. They all had a guide and mentor to help them reach higher states of consciousness.

I needed a guru.

I started following Dr. Joe Dispenza, a well-known Doctor of Chiropractic who, after a horrific accident, broke six bones in his back and was diagnosed to never walk again; he healed himself after ten weeks of visualization.

I studied with Dr. Joe for two years before running my own healing groups formed with his other students.

I learned about the Kundalini and pineal gland through Dr. Joe. I saw how his meditations were linked to these ancient meditation practices taught for 1000s of years.

I refined a mixture of Dr. Joe's meditations with Taoist breathing and Vipassana styles of discipline.

Locking myself in a room to meditate 10 hours a day, eat certain foods, and communicate with no one for ten straight days.

Through this process, I had a Kundalini awakening! My consciousness opened wide, and I could see and feel everything! I entered a state of bliss so profound, I wept.

I could connect with information and knowledge that I knew was coming from a higher source of unlimited power.

Over the next few days, I was shown a path to specific mentors who could take me to the next level.

They taught me to align to the highest frequencies and vibrations, allowing me to deepen my connection with an all-knowing intelligence.

I learned a simple, 3-step process in reaching higher consciousness through upgrading the body, speaking and asking what my emotions needed, and teaching how to feel love and trust again.

As they guided me through guided meditations to develop my awareness, I could see, hear, and feel everything around me. I had never experienced meditations like this.

The next set of meditations took me deep into observing my emotions.

I had conversations with my Mother, Father, Sister, and past relationships, all from a safe and loving place.

They had me speak in a certain way and use specific phrases that my body needed to hear to forgive and release my resentment, fear, and anger.

I was physically drained and finally free, lifting an invisible weight off my shoulders.

I had so much room within myself I felt like I could do anything.

I needed to remind the body and mind what love, freedom, and peace felt like, so I filled it with love.

Like my first Kundalini Awakening, I was shown the path to this place to bliss without having to meditate for 20 years or lock myself in a room; it could be done in months.

But I Still Wasn't Digging Deep Enough

I kept developing my connection to these higher vibrational beings by channelling 1000s of messages for strangers all over the world.

I then received the final piece of the puzzle. I was getting in my own way. I needed to get out of my body and mind completely.

I needed one-on-one support from my mentor to guide me to the root causes of my emotional blocks.

It only took one session, and there it was. The root cause of a major block that kept me from enlightenment.

It was so easy. All I needed was a little help to allow my ego to step aside and trust the process.

I tested this with a small group of people, and they reached higher levels of consciousness, healing their emotions and automatically repairing their relationships without meditating for ten hours a day or locking themselves in a room.

I refined this process even more and had more amazing results.

It's been almost two years, and we're opening this up for a handful of people to be our next group to reach enlightenment.

If you're ready, I'll show you the path to Enlightened Mastery.

Successful Transformations


Reaching Higher States That I Didn’t Think Possible

Thank you Khan, loving the high vibe energy of this group. I always have a magical experience when I meditate here, reaching higher states that I didn’t think possible. I feel very safe and supported. 💖



Practicing Meditation Here Makes It Easier/Faster To Clear And Still My Mind.

I can say that my consistent experience with the group is being able to intensely focus on my breath, being empty of concepts, being intensely in the Now, and feeling very light with high vibrations throughout my body.😊



Thank You For Your Meditations I Love it.

I felt very strong energy an hour before meditation, during meditation and few hours after every session.

Fascinating experience, very much needed, perfect timing for me.



WOW! Soooo Powerful!

That sure caught me off guard. (In a good way)

Thank you so much. I really need to meditate more. I still have to work on keeping my brain from ping ponging, but I am better able to quiet it.



Really Loving How I Feel During And After Meditation!

Thank you so very much my friend! WE ARE LOVE!! xo


Frequently Asked Questions

How much one-on-one support will Khan give me?

You'll have a dedicated session with me each month to work through your mental, spiritual, and emotional blocks. 

I'm active every day in the chat group and direct messages. 

You can ask questions at any time

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When does it start?

It starts as soon as you are approved.

You’ll have access to the content, support and community.

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When are the live calls?

Times are based on Toronto/New York/Eastern time zone

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 1 PM:

Group meditations

First Thursday of each month @2 PM:

Khan - group lecture and open discussion 

Third Thursday of each month at 2 PM:

Rita - Health and Nutrition lecture and advice

Third Saturday of each month at 2 PM:

Khan - Open share and community chat

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What if I can't make the live calls?

All of the sessions are recorded and added to the video portal and app, accessible through your phone and browser

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Do I have to attend the live calls?

While participation is not mandatory, I highly encourage you to do at least one live meditation a week and one group discussion a month

The energy from a live meditation is so much more expensive than doing it by yourself. 

In the group open discussions, you'll learn so much from other people's questions, and you'll develop a stronger bond with the community, heightening your experience with the live meditations.

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Start Your Enlightened Mastery Now!

Lock in your price today.

Limited Spots Available



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All of the products, services, bookings, appointments and sessions with 2017548 Ontario Inc., DBA Khan Knight (Khan Knight)

are for entertainment purposes only. Use at your own risk.

Refunds are not available. Appointments may be postponed once.

Any disputes are handled out of Toronto, Ontario, Canada Courts.

Updated June 13, 2024